Dark Fantasy Studio – Haunted音乐包:毛骨悚然的恐怖游戏氛围背景音乐


1. **Basement(地下室)**
2. **Haunted(闹鬼)**
3. **Dead Roses(枯萎的玫瑰)**
4. **Ancient Ceremony(古老的仪式)**
5. **The Evil Inside(内心的邪恶)**
6. **At the Beginning(初始)**
7. **Xperience(经历)**
8. **Fear(恐惧)**
9. **The Attic(阁楼)**
10. **Mourning Day(哀悼之日)**
11. **On the Other Side(在另一边)**
12. **Out of Body(脱离肉体)**
13. **Dead End(死胡同)**
14. **Under My Bed(床底下)**
15. **The Corner of Your Room(你房间的角落)**
16. **Just Behind(就在背后)**
17. **Past Memories(过去的回忆)**
18. **Dark Secret(黑暗的秘密)**
19. **Six Feet Under(六英尺之下)**
20. **Souls(灵魂)**
21. **To Hell(通往地狱)**

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